TLS was last updated
on March 27, 2024.

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a rating for the player based on the NTRP rating
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Team Scouting Report
(As Of 03/26/2024)
Section - Eastern
Area - Rochester
League - 2023 40&Over Mixed
Flight - 7.0
Party at the Net
League Record: 3 - 3
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
David Vega - 3.35
Derrick Shriver - 3.28
Kunal Tanwar - 3.26
Anirban Bose - 3.24
John Ballesty - 3.20
Shelley Alfieri - 3.12
Amy Crossed - 3.02
Elizabeth Thurnherr - 2.96
Beth Klintworth - 2.88
Yulia Nedelko - 2.75
Theresa Croce - 2.54
Matthew Rieck - n/a
Anthony Klintworth - n/a
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
Beth Klintworth - 2.88 & Anthony Klintworth - n/a 0 - 1
Amy Crossed - 3.02 & Matthew Rieck - n/a 1 - 1
Theresa Croce - 2.54 & Kunal Tanwar - 3.26 0 - 1
Theresa Croce - 2.54 & Anirban Bose - 3.24 0 - 1
Shelley Alfieri - 3.12 & David Vega - 3.35 1 - 0
Shelley Alfieri - 3.12 & Anirban Bose - 3.24 2 - 0 0 - 2
Kunal Tanwar - 3.26 & Yulia Nedelko - 2.75 1 - 0
Kunal Tanwar - 3.26 & Elizabeth Thurnherr - 2.96 1 - 0
Yulia Nedelko - 2.75 & John Ballesty - 3.20 0 - 1 2 - 0
Derrick Shriver - 3.28 & Elizabeth Thurnherr - 2.96 0 - 1
Elizabeth Thurnherr - 2.96 & John Ballesty - 3.20 1 - 0 1 - 0
Ace of Hearts
League Record: 1 - 6
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Joanne Parkes - 3.25
Kathleen Savage - 3.19
Jacqueline Sinclair Parker - 3.03
Nicholas Waddy - 3.02
Sara Kelch - 2.93
Kris Kohler - 2.87
Mark Weimer - 2.86
Chad Bright - 2.85
Jane Eckhardt - 2.81
Greg Clarevsky - 2.81
Trevor Ritchie - 2.68
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
Chad Bright - 2.85 & Jacqueline Sinclair Parker - 3.03 0 - 1
Chad Bright - 2.85 & Jane Eckhardt - 2.81 0 - 1
Kathleen Savage - 3.19 & Greg Clarevsky - 2.81 0 - 5
Sara Kelch - 2.93 & Trevor Ritchie - 2.68 0 - 1 1 - 0
Jacqueline Sinclair Parker - 3.03 & Nicholas Waddy - 3.02 1 - 1
Jacqueline Sinclair Parker - 3.03 & Greg Clarevsky - 2.81 0 - 1
Mark Weimer - 2.86 & Jane Eckhardt - 2.81 0 - 2
Kris Kohler - 2.87 & Greg Clarevsky - 2.81 0 - 1
Joanne Parkes - 3.25 & Chad Bright - 2.85 0 - 1
Joanne Parkes - 3.25 & Mark Weimer - 2.86 1 - 0
Joanne Parkes - 3.25 & Nicholas Waddy - 3.02 1 - 0
Joanne Parkes - 3.25 & Trevor Ritchie - 2.68 0 - 1
Body Shots
League Record: 7 - 1
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Michael Bupp - 3.82
zhimin Huo - 3.61
Eugene Kobyakov - 3.51
Tanya Zutshi - 3.48
David Cross - 3.42
Ryan Mott - 3.41
Mary-Beth Rumble - 3.40
Melissa Gauger - 3.38
Mark Liu - 3.36
Tricia Rupright - 3.32
Carol Ryan - 3.26
Josh Gingrich - 3.24
Debra Go - 3.22
Sharon Napier - 3.21
Kristi Seaver - 3.20
Mark Pastorella - 3.15
David Gibbons - 3.15
Chad Heatwole - 3.09
Rich Farrell - 2.94
Jennifer Ponce - 2.76
Xunyi Xu - n/a
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
Ryan Mott - 3.41 & Sharon Napier - 3.21 1 - 0
Ryan Mott - 3.41 & Kristi Seaver - 3.20 1 - 0
Debra Go - 3.22 & David Gibbons - 3.15 1 - 0
Debra Go - 3.22 & Mark Liu - 3.36 1 - 0
Jennifer Ponce - 2.76 & Eugene Kobyakov - 3.51 1 - 1
Jennifer Ponce - 2.76 & Michael Bupp - 3.82 0 - 1 1 - 0
Kristi Seaver - 3.20 & Josh Gingrich - 3.24 1 - 0
Carol Ryan - 3.26 & Josh Gingrich - 3.24 0 - 1
Tanya Zutshi - 3.48 & David Gibbons - 3.15 1 - 0
Tanya Zutshi - 3.48 & Mark Liu - 3.36 1 - 0
Tanya Zutshi - 3.48 & Chad Heatwole - 3.09 1 - 0
David Gibbons - 3.15 & Mary-Beth Rumble - 3.40 1 - 0
Mary-Beth Rumble - 3.40 & Chad Heatwole - 3.09 2 - 0
Melissa Gauger - 3.38 & Mark Pastorella - 3.15 1 - 0
David Cross - 3.42 & Tricia Rupright - 3.32 1 - 0
Xunyi Xu - n/a & Carol Ryan - 3.26 0 - 1
zhimin Huo - 3.61 & Rich Farrell - 2.94 2 - 0 1 - 0
Double Trouble
League Record: 3 - 4
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Victoria Briggs - 3.26
Keith Stanley - 3.19
Ron Dyson - 3.18
Robert Tran - 3.11
Marco Gianni - 3.10
Alan Grossfield - 3.07
Lori Connolly - 3.06
Shawn Woychick - 2.95
Peter Stein - 2.80
Mary Clare - 2.72
Kathleen Wilmot - 2.57
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
Lori Connolly - 3.06 & Marco Gianni - 3.10 1 - 0
Lori Connolly - 3.06 & Peter Stein - 2.80 0 - 1
Victoria Briggs - 3.26 & Keith Stanley - 3.19 3 - 0
Victoria Briggs - 3.26 & Alan Grossfield - 3.07 1 - 0
Mary Clare - 2.72 & Marco Gianni - 3.10 0 - 2
Mary Clare - 2.72 & Alan Grossfield - 3.07 0 - 1
Shawn Woychick - 2.95 & Marco Gianni - 3.10 0 - 1
Shawn Woychick - 2.95 & Alan Grossfield - 3.07 1 - 0
Shawn Woychick - 2.95 & Peter Stein - 2.80 0 - 1
Kathleen Wilmot - 2.57 & Peter Stein - 2.80 0 - 1
Ron Dyson - 3.18 & Lori Connolly - 3.06 0 - 1
Ron Dyson - 3.18 & Mary Clare - 2.72 0 - 1
Ron Dyson - 3.18 & Shawn Woychick - 2.95 0 - 1
Robert Tran - 3.11 & Lori Connolly - 3.06 1 - 0
Robert Tran - 3.11 & Shawn Woychick - 2.95 0 - 1
Robert Tran - 3.11 & Kathleen Wilmot - 2.57 0 - 1